Matched route
Route Matching Logs
Path to match:
# | Route name | Path | Log |
1 | route_59 | /services/corporate-events/managed-investment-portfolio | Path does not match |
2 | route_61 | /services/corporate-events/pensions-occupational-scheme-management | Path does not match |
3 | route_62 | /careers/vacancy/portfolio-analyst | Path does not match |
4 | route_63 | /careers/vacancy | Path does not match |
5 | route_64 | /careers/vacancy/accounts-officer | Path does not match |
6 | home_page | / | Path does not match |
7 | route_171 | /facilities/accommodation | Path does not match |
8 | route_203 | /what-we-do/education | Path does not match |
9 | route_204 | /what-we-do/agriculture-development | Path does not match |
10 | route_205 | /what-we-do/water-and-sanitation | Path does not match |
11 | route_206 | /what-we-do/health | Path does not match |
12 | route_218 | /services/business-development | Path does not match |
13 | route_219 | /services/marketing | Path does not match |
14 | route_220 | /services/creative | Path does not match |
15 | route_127 | /about-us | Path does not match |
16 | route_137 | /management | Path does not match |
17 | route_216 | /services | Path does not match |
18 | route_217 | /projects | Path does not match |
19 | route_207 | /our-team | Path does not match |
20 | route_209 | /our-team/este-atitsogbui | Path does not match |
21 | route_210 | /our-team/lucy-kudzo | Path does not match |
22 | route_213 | /our-team/prof-forster-kumankama-sarpong | Path does not match |
23 | route_208 | /our-team/emmanuel-griffith-baah | Path does not match |
24 | route_211 | /donate | Path does not match |
25 | route_212 | /volunteer | Path does not match |
26 | news_list | /news | Path does not match |
27 | news_show | /news/{slug} | Path does not match |
28 | route_201 | /entertainment | Path does not match |
29 | route_195 | /sports | Path does not match |
30 | route_192 | /politics | Path does not match |
31 | route_194 | /lifestyle | Path does not match |
32 | route_196 | /technology | Path does not match |
33 | route_197 | /food | Path does not match |
34 | video_list | /videos | Path does not match |
35 | video_show | /videos/{slug} | Path does not match |
36 | route_198 | /travel | Path does not match |
37 | route_174 | /artists | Path does not match |
38 | route_176 | /stations | Path does not match |
39 | route_177 | /music | Path does not match |
40 | route_182 | /music/song | Path does not match |
41 | route_178 | /downloads | Path does not match |
42 | route_179 | /purchased | Path does not match |
43 | route_180 | /history | Path does not match |
44 | route_181 | /favourites | Path does not match |
45 | artist_show | /artists/{slug} | Path does not match |
46 | route_153 | /programmes | Path does not match |
47 | route_167 | /programmes/web-design | Path does not match |
48 | route_156 | /programmes/wassce-remedial | Path does not match |
49 | route_166 | /faq | Path does not match |
50 | route_152 | /privacy-policy | Path does not match |
51 | courses_list | /courses | Path does not match |
52 | course_show | /courses/{slug} | Path does not match |
53 | route_157 | /campus | Path does not match |
54 | route_146 | /gallery | Path does not match |
55 | route_214 | /gallery/sister-of-mother-theresa-orphanage | Path does not match |
56 | route_215 | /gallery/osu-childrens-home | Path does not match |
57 | posts_list | /posts | Path does not match |
58 | post_show | /posts/{slug} | Path does not match |
59 | route_130 | /information | Path does not match |
60 | route_185 | /contact-us | Path does not match |
61 | gallery_list | /gallery | Path does not match |
62 | contact_us | /contact-us | Path does not match |
63 | admin_ajax_list_content | /admin/contents.{format} | Path does not match |
64 | admin_ajax_search_content | /admin/contents/search.{format} | Path does not match |
65 | admin_ajax_delete_content | /admin/contents/{contentId}/delete | Path does not match |
66 | user.edit_password | /admin/users/{userId}/password | Path does not match |
67 | blocks.list | /admin/blocks | Path does not match |
68 | boab_cms.block.create | /admin/blocks/{type}/create | Path does not match |
69 | boab_cms.block.form | /admin/blocks/create/form | Path does not match |
70 | boab_cms.block.edit | /admin/blocks/{id}/edit | Path does not match |
71 | boab_cms.admin_users_list | /admin/users.{format} | Path does not match |
72 | boab_cms.admin_user_profile | /admin/users/{username}/profile | Path does not match |
73 | boab_cms.admin_user_delete | /admin/users/{username}/delete | Path does not match |
74 | boab_cms.photo_create | /admin/contents/{contentId}/photos | Path does not match |
75 | boab_cms_photo_delete | /admin/photos/{photoId}/delete | Path does not match |
76 | boabcms_admin_index | /admin/ | Path does not match |
77 | boabcms_dashboard | /admin/dashboard | Path does not match |
78 | admin_content_list | /admin/contents | Path does not match |
79 | admin_content_create | /admin/form/contents/{type} | Path does not match |
80 | admin_content_update | /admin/form/contents/{type}/{contentId} | Path does not match |
81 | content_image_upload | /admin/contents/thumbnail/upload | Path does not match |
82 | set_content_cover | /admin/contents/thumbnail/make-cover | Path does not match |
83 | delete_content_image | /admin/contents/thumbnail/delete | Path does not match |
84 | delete_content_thumbnail | /admin/contents/delete/thumbnail/{id} | Path does not match |
85 | photo_create | /admin/contents/{contentId}/photos/upload | Path does not match |
86 | photo_delete | /admin/photos/{photoId}/delete | Path does not match |
87 | admin_route_index | /admin/routes | Path does not match |
88 | admin_route_add | /admin/routes/{type}/add | Path does not match |
89 | admin_route_create | /admin/routes/{type}/create | Path does not match |
90 | admin_route_edit | /admin/routes/{id}/edit | Path does not match |
91 | admin_route_update | /admin/routes/{id}/update | Path does not match |
92 | admin_route_delete | /admin/routes/{id}/delete | Path does not match |
93 | admin_route_reorder | /admin/routes/reorder | Path does not match |
94 | boabcms_admin_login | /admin/login | Path does not match |
95 | boabcms_logout | /admin/logout | Path does not match |
96 | boabcms_login_check | /admin/login_check | Path does not match |
97 | user_captcha | /admin/captcha | Path does not match |
98 | password_reset | /admin/pwd/reset | Path does not match |
99 | password_recover | /admin/pwd/recover | Path does not match |
100 | user_add | /admin/user/add | Path does not match |
101 | admin_user_index | /admin/users | Path does not match |
102 | admin_user_search | /admin/users/search | Path does not match |
103 | admin_user_suspend | /admin/users/{username}/suspend | Path does not match |
104 | admin_user_update_role | /admin/users/role/update/{username} | Path does not match |
105 | admin_user_activate | /admin/users/{id}/activate | Path does not match |
106 | admin_user_status | /admin/users/{id}/status | Path does not match |
107 | admin_role_update | /admin/{_api}/users/roles/update.{format} | Path does not match |
108 | admin_role_user | /admin/users/{username}/roles | Path does not match |
109 | user_load_fixtures | /admin/users/load | Path does not match |
110 | taxonomy_admin_vocab_list | /admin/taxonomy | Path does not match |
111 | taxonomy_admin_vocab_add | /admin/taxonomy/add | Path does not match |
112 | taxonomy_admin_vocab_edit | /admin/taxonomy/{vocabName}/edit | Path does not match |
113 | taxonomy_admin_vocab_delete | /admin/taxonomy/{vocabName}/delete | Path does not match |
114 | taxonomy_admin_term_list | /admin/taxonomy/{vocabName} | Path does not match |
115 | taxonomy_admin_term_add | /admin/taxonomy/{vocabName}/add | Path does not match |
116 | taxonomy_admin_term_edit | /admin/taxonomy/{vocabName}/{termId}/edit | Path does not match |
117 | taxonomy_admin_term_delete | /admin/taxonomy/{vocabName}/{termId}/delete | Path does not match |
118 | api_show_content | /admin/contents/{contentId} | Path does not match |
119 | api_authenticate | /admin/login_check | Path does not match |
120 | api_users | /admin/users | Path does not match |
121 | api_users_search | /admin/users/search | Path does not match |
122 | api_users_nearby | /admin/users/nearby | Path does not match |
123 | api_user_detail | /admin/users/{customerId} | Path does not match |
124 | gesdinet_jwt_refresh_token | /admin/token/refresh | Path does not match |
125 | fbeen_settings | /admin/settings | Path does not match |
126 | fbeen_settings_developer | /admin/settings/developer | Path does not match |
127 | fos_js_routing_js | /js/routing.{_format} | Path does not match |
128 | _preview_error | /_error/{code}.{_format} | Path does not match |
129 | liip_imagine_filter_runtime | /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/rc/{hash}/{path} | Path does not match |
130 | liip_imagine_filter | /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/{path} | Path does not match |
131 | _wdt | /_wdt/{token} | Path does not match |
132 | _profiler_home | /_profiler/ | Path does not match |
133 | _profiler_search | /_profiler/search | Path does not match |
134 | _profiler_search_bar | /_profiler/search_bar | Path does not match |
135 | _profiler_phpinfo | /_profiler/phpinfo | Path does not match |
136 | _profiler_xdebug | /_profiler/xdebug | Path does not match |
137 | _profiler_search_results | /_profiler/{token}/search/results | Path does not match |
138 | _profiler_open_file | /_profiler/open | Path does not match |
139 | _profiler | /_profiler/{token} | Path does not match |
140 | _profiler_router | /_profiler/{token}/router | Path does not match |
141 | _profiler_exception | /_profiler/{token}/exception | Path does not match |
142 | _profiler_exception_css | /_profiler/{token}/exception.css | Path does not match |
143 | app.search_content | /content/search/{type} | Path does not match |
144 | app.login | /login | Path does not match |
145 | app.login_check | /login_check | Path does not match |
146 | app.sign_up | /sign-up | Path does not match |
147 | app.logout | /logout | Path does not match |
148 | app.register | /register | Path does not match |
Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.